We are offering free shipping on all orders for a limited time. Orders are shipped using UPS / FedEx. Your purchase is fully insured all the way to you, which means your shipment is risk-free in transit.
Items in stock will ship within 2 business days from purchase, otherwise they will be made specially for your order. All orders made online will be confirmed within 24 hours by a representative with an estimated delivery date. Orders received on weekends and holidays will be processed the next business day. A tracking number is provided to you once item is being shipped.
Prices on site do not include custom and import duties.
We currently ship all items Delivery Duty Unpaid (DDU). Once your order is shipped, the carrier will bill you for import duties, customs and local sales taxes levied by the country you are shipping to.
We currently ship to a list of countries outside of the United States. If you would like to make a purchase and you do not see your country listed, please contact us at